Newsletter 2017 #6

Austin Chapter Volleyball (ACV) Newsletter 2017

Issue 6


ACV Chapter Meeting Reminder
The volleyball season is upon us. Please remember that the first mandatory chapter meeting for this season is scheduled for this Wednesday. August 2, Wednesday PRE-SEASON ACV CHAPTER MEETING @ Austin Police Association Union Hall @ 6:30 p.m. Training session will start at 6:00 p.m.

ACV Chapter Training Session
The ACV Trainers will be holding a training session starting at 6:00 p.m. prior to the chapter meeting. While these will be geared towards newer members (those with less than three years of experience), all ACV officials are invited to attend. This month’s training session will focus on pre-match preparations so please attend if you need a refresher.

Communication with At-Large Representatives
Please remember to communicate with your assigned at-large representative for questions about ACV requirements. Also, please notify your at-large representative in advance if you have any conflicts with meeting the requirements.

Scrimmages Set for Friday, August 4 and Saturday, August 5
Everyone should have a scrimmage assignment by this point. Please report to the scrimmage leader at the assigned time so that you will receive credit for scrimmage time. TASO uniform is NOT required at scrimmages; however, remember that appearance is your first impression and you are representing the Chapter.

Mandatory TASO Test – Must Be Completed Before Start of Season
Everyone is required to take the TASO test before being assigned to a match. Please complete the test as soon as possible. You must score a 90 if you would like to be considered for Varsity-level matches.

Message from Assigning Secretary:
Please accept your assignments in a timely manner. If you cannot accept an assignment, it is preferable to discuss first with the Assigning Secretary before declining. Assignments are being released approximately 3-4 weeks in advance sonplease keep your schedule on Arbiter up to date. Contact Janiece at if you have any questions.

TASO On-Line Clinic
The TASO website states that the online clinic will open the week after the Regional Clinics are concluded. The last Regional Clinic was held on Saturday, July 29. Information about the on-line clinic should be forthcoming.

Next ACV Chapter Meeting
The next ACV Chapter Meeting is scheduled as follows:
September 6, Wednesday

MID-SEASON CHAPTER MEETING @ Austin Police Association Union Hall @ 6:30 pm
Training Session will start at 6:00 p.m. prior to the meeting

Have a great volleyball season!!!

Newsletter 2017 #5

Austin Chapter Volleyball (ACV) Newsletter 2017

Issue 5


Scrimmages Set for Friday, August 4 and Saturday, August 5

The volleyball season kicks off in about four weeks. Please keep your schedule as open as possible for scrimmages to be held on Friday, August 4 and Saturday, August 5. Please be sure to notify your at-large representative in advance if you have any conflicts with these dates.

Message from Assigning Secretary:

We are very light on daytime scrimmage availability for Friday, August 4. If you can help, it would be greatly appreciated. Scrimmages are now open for self-assignment. The Assigning Secretary will begin filling in open slots on July 28th. Prescheduling of tournaments has begun. If you have not updated your availability on Arbiter and sent the hard copy to Janiece Nelson, then you need to do so ASAP to avoid turnbacks. Please contact Janiece at if you have any questions.

Information on TASO Registration for Regional Clinics

If you will not be attending the State meeting this coming weekend, then please make plans to either attend a Regional Clinic or take the on-line clinic. This is a TASO mandatory requirement. Registration for the Austin Regional Clinic, scheduled for Saturday, July 15, is still open. Please visit TASO to register. The last Regional Clinic is scheduled for Saturday, July 29 in Dallas. Information about the on-line clinic is not yet available.

Mandatory Returning Member Training – Set for Saturday, July 15

All returning members are required to attend a returning member training. The final one is set for Saturday, July 15 at Brentwood Christian School beginning at 1:30 p.m. If you attended the first returning member training on Thursday, June 8, then you do NOT need to attend the one on July 15. Please contact your at-large representative if you have any questions about this training.

Mandatory TASO Test

Everyone is required to take the TASO test before being assigned to a match. The TASO test usually becomes available on the TASO website after the State meeting concludes. Expect an announcement to be sent out soon.

ACV Chapter Meetings Starting Soon

As per the Operating Procedures – Texas Association of Sports Officials – Volleyball Division, Section 3.2G states, “Each chapter shall hold a minimum of five (5) meetings per season for education and business purposes.” ACV counts the Returning Member training and the ACV annual test as separate meetings for a total of two. Therefore, please mark your calendars for the remaining three mandatory meeting dates:

8/2, Wed. PRE-SEASON ACV CHAPTER MEETING @ Austin Police Association Union Hall @ 6:30 p.m.

9/6, Wed. MID-SEASON CHAPTER MEETING (Alternate date is 10/4/17) @ Austin Police Association Union Hall @ 6:30 pm

11/8, Wed. YEAR-END CHAPTER MEETING @ Austin Police Association Union Hall @ 6:30 pm

As per the Operating Procedures – Texas Association of Sports Officials – Volleyball Division, Section 8.3.2 states, “A member in good standing is one who has complied with all of the membership requirements at the state and local level.” ACV requires members to sign in at each of the meetings, especially those deemed mandatory. ACV will keep track of member attendance in order to be in compliance with TASO.

ACV Chapter Training Sessions

The ACV Trainers will be holding training sessions starting at 6:00 p.m. prior to the start of each chapter meeting. While these will be geared towards newer members (those with less than three years of experience), all ACV officials are invited to attend. In addition, one chapter meeting will be devoted entirely to a mid-season training session:

10/4, Wed. NEW MEMBER MEETING @ Austin Police Association Union Hall @ 6:30 pm (Returning members may also attend this meeting, especially those unable to attend the mid-season chapter meeting.)

Vendor Update

TASO assigned vendors to specific regional clinics this year. Stripe Plus has been assigned to be at the Austin Regional Clinic on Saturday, July 15. Another vendor, Official Sports, has extended an offer to our chapter. Orders placed through can use the code “FREESHIP” to waive the shipping cost. Only one per customer is allowed.

Newsletter 2017 #4

Austin Chapter Volleyball (ACV) Newsletter 2017

Issue 4


Happy Father’s Day

To all of the gentlemen of Austin Chapter Volleyball, have a wonderful Father’s Day!

Mandatory Returning Member Training

All returning members are required to attend either the Thursday, June 8 training at Travis High School (7:00 p.m.) OR the Saturday, July 15 training at Brentwood Christian (1:30 p.m.). Please be sure to choose one by accepting/declining the Arbiter event sent to you. This will help the ACV Trainers to plan accordingly. Please contact your at-large representative if you have any questions about this training.

Message from Assigning Secretary: Check Arbiter and Reminder about Availability Deadline on June 15

Please remember to enter your availability on Arbiter as well as submit the availability form to the Assigning Secretary. The deadline to do both is Thursday, June 15. The availability form can be found on Arbiter under the Forms section. All officials need to go into Arbiter and input their information. Please be sure to select the ready button on the left-hand side on the profile page. In addition, all officials should start checking Arbiter regularly especially now that the season is getting closer. Important information will continue to be posted on Arbiter. Please contact Janiece Nelson at if you have any questions.

Information on TASO Registration for State Meeting and Regional Clinics

Please note that all officials are required by TASO to attend either the State Meeting, a Regional Clinic, or take the on-line clinic. Information about the on-line clinic is still not available. Registration is now open for the State Meeting, scheduled to be held at The Woodlands. Please visit to register. Registration for the Austin Regional Clinic is now open as well. Please visit 2017-volleyball- 2017---austin-regional- clinic to register.

Next ACV Board Meeting on June 20

The next ACV board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 20 at 6:30 p.m. at the IHOP restaurant, located at the corner of IH35 and Slaughter Lane. All board meetings are open to members. Please contact your at-large representative if you are interested in attending.

Newsletter 2017 #3

Austin Chapter Volleyball (ACV) Newsletter 2017

Issue 3


Happy Mother’s Day

To all of the ladies of Austin Chapter Volleyball, have a wonderful Mother’s Day!

Request from ACV Website Manager

The ACV Website Manager, Ian Evins, is requesting feedback about the ACV website. He simply wants to know what worked and what did not work for members during the season. If you encounter any issues trying to access forms/documents, please email to let him know.


The 2017 ACV Calendar is now available on the Austin Volleyball Officials website. Please plan accordingly to attend the mandatory meetings and training. Special Note: One location has been recently changed. The returning members training scheduled on July 15 will be held at Brentwood. The website should be updated soon.

Off-Season ACV Test for Returning Members Only (not to be confused with the TASO Test)

The ACV test is now available. Officials have until Wednesday, May 31 to complete the test. The test is located on the TASO website at After you log in, you will see the test under TASO Tests, directly under MY TASO MESSAGES. It is based on last season’s rule book and case book. You will have only three (3) chances to complete the test. The goal is to score 100. If you are unable to do so in three chances, then please provide to your at-large representative the correct answer to the questions missed and where in the rule book/case book you were able to find the answer. Please contact your at-large representative if you have any questions about the test.

Volunteers Needed by June 1 for TGCA All-State at Delco Center

We are still in need of line judge volunteers and ball shagger volunteers for the two all-star matches on Tuesday, July 11 and Wednesday, July 12. Each match is scheduled to start at 7:00 p.m. at the Delco Center, located at 4601 Pecan Brook Drive (corner of Springdale and 183). Please contact David Plaisance at to volunteer. All selected should be available to be on-site by 6:30 p.m. The deadline to volunteer is June 1 st so we can get your names listed in the event program. All, including new members, are eligible to participate.

Availability Deadline Set for June 15

Please remember to enter your availability on Arbiter as well as submit the availability form to the Assigning Secretary. The deadline to do both is Thursday, June 15. The availability form can be found on Arbiter under the Forms section. All officials need to go into Arbiter and input their information. Please be sure to select the ready button on the left-hand side on the profile page. Please contact Janiece Nelson at if you have any questions.

Raising Referee Rank through Evaluations

Evaluations are being conducted at various summer leagues. This is a great opportunity to raise referee rank before the season begins. Please contact the ACV Trainers, Harvey Madrigal, and Christle Miersma, to schedule an evaluation.

New Member Orientation Scheduled for May 20

One more orientation session is scheduled for Saturday, May 20 at the Hampton Inn in Buda. The orientation starts at 10:00 a.m. If you know of anyone who is interested in joining ACV, please pass along this information and convey the importance of attending this orientation.

Information on TASO Registration for State Meeting and District Clinics

Online registration for the State Meeting to be held on July 7 & 8 in The Woodlands, Texas is now available. The fee is $35. Please see the recent TASO email for more information. Most of the meeting that pertains to all members will actually only be on Saturday, July 8. We expect TASO to open online registration for the five District clinics very soon. Online registration for those will also be $35. The walk up fee is $45 if you miss the online registration deadline, which is typically two days before the clinic. Information about how to register for, and take the online clinic, will be made available later this summer.

Next ACV Board Meeting on May 17

The next ACV board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 17 at 6:30 p.m. at the ASC North in Cedar Park. All board meetings are open to members. Please contact your at-large representative if you are interested in attending.

Newsletter 2017 #2

Austin Chapter Volleyball (ACV) Newsletter 2017
Issue 2
TGCA All-State at Delco Center
Volunteers to ball-shag and line judge are needed to help with the TGCA All-State matches on Tuesday, July 11 and Wednesday, July 12 at the Delco Center.  If you would like to volunteer, please contact David Plaisance at  We need five ball-shaggers for each match.  This is a great opportunity to see some excellent volleyball and prepare for the volleyball season by seeing quality officials work. 
TASO District Clinic in Austin
As a reminder, TASO will offer only five district clinics this season.  The one being held in Austin will be on Saturday morning, July 15, 2017 at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, located at 9500 Neenah Avenue in Austin, Texas.  The clinic is scheduled to start at 9AM and end around 11:30 AM.  TASO will provide on-line registration for all five clinics starting later in May.  Walk-up registration will also be available but at a slightly higher fee.  Check-in will begin at 8:30AM for everyone.  Austin chapter members are asked to help with chair setup starting at 8AM.  As a reminder, all officials are required to attend either one of the five district clinics, the state meeting in the Woodlands, OR the online clinic that will be available later this summer.
Please be sure to check Arbiter regularly.  Our ACV Assigning Secretary, Janiece Nelson, is already posting announcements.  Two of the most recent include information about the availability form and summer league opportunities.
The 2017 ACV Calendar is almost complete.  Dates have been set but we are still trying to secure locations for those dates before releasing it.
Off-Season ACV Test (not to be confused with the TASO Test)
The ACV test will be available starting in May.  More instructions will be provided once the test is on-line on the TASO website.  Please remember that you will also need to take the TASO test, which is usually available in July.
Dates Set for New Member Orientation
Please continue to recruit new officials for our chapter.  The orientation dates have been set for new members to attend and learn more about ACV:
·         Thursday, April 27 at Brushy Creek Community Center at 8:00 p.m.
·         Saturday, May 20 at the Hampton Inn in Buda at 10:00 a.m.
If you know of anyone who is interested in refereeing in the 2017 season, please send the names to Roni Downey at  Remember that you can earn a $25 referral bonus if you refer a member who works a minimum number of matches during the season. 
Next ACV Board Meeting
The next ACV board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 25 at 6:30 p.m.  (Location has yet not been set but will be south.)  All board meetings are open to members.  Please contact your at-large representative if you are interested in attending. 

Newsletter 2017 - #1

Austin Chapter Volleyball (ACV) Newsletter 2017
Issue 1
TASO Renewal Deadline:
If you have not done so already, please be sure to register with TASO.  The deadline, without incurring a late fee, is April 4, 2017.  The link is located in the top right-hand corner of the TASO home page:  Click the Membership Renewal / New Applicants link, and follow the application prompts.  You do not sign-in to the member’s portal. 
The 2017 Chapter Calendar is still being developed and will be available by early April.  However, please make note of the following TASO volleyball dates for the coming season:
            TASO Annual State Meeting:  July 7 & 8, 2017, scheduled to be held in The Woodlands
            TASO District Clinic in Austin:  July 15, 2017
Please note that only four other district clinics will be offered for this season.  Those will be held in Amarillo, Dallas, McAllen, and Overton.  The on-line clinic will also be an option if you are unable to attend a district clinic. 
Large Facility Needed for Austin District Clinic
With the reduction in the number of district clinics being offered this year, we expect the Austin District Clinic, scheduled for Saturday, July 15, 2017 to have a larger attendance than usual.  We need a facility that will hold 300-350 people.  If you have access to a large facility or can offer suggestions, please contact David Plaisance at
Selection of Assistant Assigning Secretary, Chapter Trainer(s), Chapter Website Administrator
Congratulations to the following ACV members who were selected to serve in support positions during the 2017 volleyball season:
            Assistant Assigning Secretary:  Kevin Carlyle
            Chapter Trainer(s):  Harvey Madrigal and Christle Miersma
            Chapter Website Administrator:  Ian Evins
The ACV board would like to thank everyone who expressed an interest in these positions. 
Recruiting New Officials
Now is the time to recruit new officials for our chapter.  If you know of anyone who is interested in refereeing in the 2017 season, please send the names to Roni Downey at  The off-season training is scheduled to start in early spring so this is the best time to join.  Remember that you can earn a $25 referral bonus if you refer a member who works a minimum number of matches during the season. 
Off-Season ACV Test (not to be confused with the TASO Test)
Dust off your rule and case books.  The off-season ACV test will be available soon. 
ACV Committees
Every year, members for our committees are appointed by the President.  If you are interested in one of our committees, please email Charlie a letter of interest at  You will need to include the committee you are interested in and what background you have on the committee of your interest.  Please contact Charlie if you have any questions.
Next ACV Board Meeting
The next ACV board meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 27 at the Austin Sports Center North at 6:30 p.m.  All board meetings are open to members.  Please contact your at-large representative if you are interested in attending. 

Newsletter 24

Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016
Issue 24



2017 dues need to be paid before December 1st to be able to take advantage of scrimmage credits and to avoid a $25 late fee. If you have not yet paid, send a completed 2017 ACV Application (Available on the Forms tab on the Chapter website) and your check made payable to Austin Chapter Volleyball to Bonnie Caddell at 1321 Ewald Rd, New Braunfels, TX 78130. Also, for those of you who submitted a check at the meeting on Wednesday, but didn’t submit a completed application, you need to send one to Bonnie before December 1st.

Note that all payments and applications being mailed must be postmarked by December 1st to qualify for the scrimmage credit and avoid the $25 late fee. That is tomorrow!


Remember that you will also need to submit your 2017 TASO renewal online when the online renewal process is made available. The date for renewals to open has not yet been set.


Haven’t Been Paid?

Have you been paid for all your regular season matches? Playoffs? Now is the time to start reviewing your records. If it is at or near 30 day since your match and you haven’t been paid:

·        Contact your partner to see if they received payment.

·        Consult the Business Contacts document on the Member Information page on the chapter website and contact the appropriate person to see if they have received your pay sheet. (Contact Kevin or Marilyn if the contact information you need is not available)

·        If you reach 45 days, post-match, have contacted the business office at around 30 days to verify receipt of your pay sheet and have not received payment, you may complete a UIL incident report on the TASO website, if necessary.


Make yourself a note to check this again around the 2nd week in December so that you can contact any school necessary before they leave for the winter break.


2016 Schedule

If you want to save or a print a copy of your 2016 schedule, now is a good time. Sometime after the first of the year, the 2016 schedule will be deleted to begin entering the 2017 schedule information.

To print or save your schedule, log in to Arbiter. Click on Schedule. Under Reports, click on Schedule. Set the dates and then click on Print Preview. You can then save or print the .pdf of your schedule.


USAV Clinics

The USAV season is almost here. Want to earn some extra money officiating volleyball this spring? Want to get more reps to become a better referee? If you are interested, there is more information available at Click on Officials Clinic and Info and then on Paid Ref Tournaments for all the information you need to get started officiating USAV. You can also contact David Plaisance, Charlie Tamez or Harvey Madrigal if you want more information.

Note that there are three clinics available this Saturday, December 3rd:

Austin Sports Center South from 9:00-12:30.

The PAC in Leander frpm 4:00-7:30

The Buda Comfort Suites from 1:00-4:30

There are also clinics scheduled on December 18th, January 20th and January 28th in Austin.

Newsletter 23 11/23/16

Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016
Issue 23



2017 dues need to be paid before December 1st to be able to take advantage of scrimmage credits and to avoid a $25 late fee. If you have not yet paid, send a completed 2017 ACV Application (Available on the Forms tab on the Chapter website) and your check made payable to Austin Chapter Volleyball to Bonnie Caddell at 1321 Ewald Rd, New Braunfels, TX 78130. Also, for those of you who submitted a check at the meeting on Wednesday, but did not submit an application, you need to send Bonnie one before December 1st.


Board Meeting

The next Board Meeting will be held on November 28th. If you are interested in attending, please contact your At-Large Rep.


Been Paid?

Have you been paid for all your regular season matches? Playoffs? Now is the time to start reviewing your records. If it is at or near 30 day since your match and you haven’t been paid:

·        Contact your partner to see if they received payment.

·        Consult the Business Contacts document on the Member Information page on the chapter website and contact the appropriate person to see if they have received your pay sheet. (Contact Kevin or Marilyn if the contact information you need is not available)

·        If you reach 45 days, post-match, have contacted the business office at around 30 days to verify receipt of your pay sheet and have not received payment, you may complete a UIL incident report on the TASO website, if necessary.


Make yourself a note to check this again around the 2nd week in December so that you can contact any school necessary before they leave for the winter break.


2016 Schedule

If you want to save or a print a copy of your 2016 schedule, now is a good time. Sometime after the first of the year, the 2016 schedule will be deleted to begin entering the 2017 schedule information.

To print or save your schedule, log in to Arbiter. Click on Schedule. Under Reports, click on Schedule. Set the dates and then click on Print Preview. You can then save or print the .pdf of your schedule.

Newsletter 22 11/13/16

Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016
Issue 22



2017 dues need to be paid before December 1st to be able to take advantage of scrimmage credits and to avoid a $25 late fee. If you have not yet paid, send a completed 2017 ACV Application (Available on the Forms tab on the Chapter website) and your check made payable to Austin Chapter Volleyball to Bonnie Caddell at 1321 Ewald Rd, New Braunfels, TX 78130. Also, for those of you who submitted a check at the meeting on Wednesday, but did not submit an application, you need to send Bonnie one before December 1st.


2016 Schedules Posted

The master scheduled for the 2016 complete season and the 2016 playoffs has been posted to Arbiter under the Forms page. Log in to Arbiter – Lists – Forms.


Election and By-Laws Results

As previously shared, the complete results of the election and votes on the By-laws proposals are posted on the chapter website.

Special thanks to Katherine and Marilyn for their time on the board.

Welcome to new members Janiece Nelson and Chez Slayton!


Board Meeting

The next Board Meeting will be held on November 28th. If you are interested in attending, please contact your At-Large Rep.


Regional and State Tournament Selections

Once again this year, members of the chapter were selected for the State and Regional Tournaments.

The Austin Chapter was assigned a 5A Regional and a 6A Regional. These officials were selected by the UIL to officiate: Katherine Bratton, Teresa Fierro, Philip Franco, Brandon Kelso, Gilbert Mokry, Craig Smith, Charlie Tamez, Bobby White.

For the State Tournament, David Plaisance will be going as referee, with Beverly Michelson as line judge.

Congratulations to all!


State Tournament

The State Tournament begins on Wednesday at the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland. 1A and 2A Finals on Thursday. 3A-6A Finals on Saturday. Thrall, Liberty Hill and Cedar Park all advanced to the tournament. There will be a hospitality room available for all TASO officials. You will need to show your 2016 TASO ID to enter. Full schedule details are available on the UIL website at


State Tournament Hospitality Room History

Tomorrow, you should be receiving an email concerning the possibility of the Chapter contributing to the hospitality room at the State Tournament this week. The letter from TASO requesting the chapter’s donation will be shared. Here is some history (albeit incomplete) on the hospitality room.

Beginning in the 1980s, the Volleyball State Tournament was held in the Central Texas area. It was held at Burger Center and then later moved to the Texas State University Campus. For the vast majority of those years, the Austin Chapter hosted a hospitality room for visiting officials, ball retrievers, volunteer line judges (in the old days), championship officials, UIL and TASO officials.

While the Austin Chapter hosted, many of the costs were offset by donations from chapters around the state.

The tournament moved to the Culwell Center in Garland in 2012. Initially, the UIL provided a room that was for tournament officials only and the UIL provided limited snacks, water and soft drinks. Last year, TASO requested and was given the opportunity to provide meals for the ball retrievers and match officials on the final days of the tournament.

This year, the room has been provided again and will be available for all officials from around the state. TASO is planning to provide food for all TASO officials in attendance. As you will see from the TASO letter, TASO is required to use the Culwell Center’s required vendors and is asking for help from the chapters around the state to offset the cost. Please review the notice tomorrow and complete the requested survey.

Newsletter 21 11/7/16

Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016
Issue 21


Final Meeting of the Season

The final meeting of the season will be Wednesday, November 9th at the Austin Police Union Hall. Food will be served beginning at 6:00PM. The meeting will begin at 6:30PM. Remember that there are important issues to be discussed and the elections to be conducted.


Board Position Nominations Updated

Here are the current nominations for the open positions:

Vice-President – Christle Miersma   Veronica “Roni” Downey

Assigning Secretary – Harvey Madrigal   Ronnie Kaase    Craig Smith    Janiece Nelson   Charlie Tamez

Recording Secretary – Linda Polley    David Plaisance

At-Large Rep – Chez Slaton    Gary Oncale

A sample ballot has been posted to the website.


Proposed Changes to the By-laws

There are numerous changes to the By-laws being proposed. Please review them on the chapter website prior to the meeting and be prepared to ask any questions you may have.


Regional and State Tournament Selections

Once again this year, members of the chapter were selected for the State and Regional Tournaments.

The Austin Chapter was assigned a 5A Regional and a 6A Regional. These officials were selected by the UIL to officiate: Katherine Bratton, Teresa Fierro, Philip Franco, Brandon Kelso, Gilbert Mokry, Craig Smith, Charlie Tamez, Bobby White.

For the State Tournament, David Plaisance will be going as referee, with Beverly Michelson as line judge.

Congratulations to all!


Coaches Playoff Requests

Every year, the assigning secretary requests a list of officials that the coaches prefer to have assigned for their playoff matches. Due to several requests for these lists from members concerned about their assignments, the lists have been posted in the Forms section under the Lists tab on Arbiter.

Here is an overview of how playoffs have been assigned by Marilyn. I visited her house last Thursday evening to see the process in person. It is amazing the time and effort she puts in to ensuring the athletes we serve have the best available officials. Having said that, it is an inexact science at best. Sometimes, qualified officials get left at home on playoff nights – based on availability, being put in reserve for anticipated matches, etc.

·        Officials availabilities are recorded in Marilyn’s playoff notebook

·        Officials requested for playoffs lists are recorded in Marilyn’s playoff notebook in order of preference and categorized by school.

·        As Marilyn receives matches and the accompanying request for officials – a full crew of 4 or a R1/R2 and LJ combo – they are entered in “The Notebook”.

·        As the matches are entered in “The Notebook”, official’s names begin to be penciled in. This allows for adjustments as needed. These penciled in assignments are initially based upon the coaches’ requests, availability of officials, other potential matches.

·        At different points in the process, some assignments are published to ensure acceptance of matches.

·        Some qualified officials (that may not be high on requested official’s lists) are sometimes held in reserve to be available for other matches that are anticipated to be received. Sometimes, these officials receive assignments, while other times the anticipated matches do not come through and these officials may be assigned to call lines or may end up without an assignment.

·        UIL periodically sends requests for officials. These are for matches outside of our area where the coaches can’t agree on officials and request UIL to send them a crew. As ACV is centrally located we receive quite a few of these assignments. 5 of these assignments were received for Tuesday, November 1st.

·        Matches are published for acceptance.



Note: All the season’s matches, including playoffs, and assigned officials are viewable by all officials in Arbiter. Consult the master schedule when viewing your schedule and then select view all slots.

ACV Newsletter 20 11-02-16

Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016
Issue 20


Final Meeting of the Season

Many of you have already done so, but if you have not, please accept or decline the Event in Arbiter for the meeting so that we get a good head count for ordering the appropriate amount of food from the Olive Garden.

Note the important issues and elections noted below and make your plans to attend.

The final meeting of the season will be Wednesday, November 9th at the Austin Police Union Hall. Food will be served beginning at 6:00PM. The meeting will begin at 6:30PM.


Board Position Nominations Updated

Here are the current nominations for the open positions: Remember that the final day for nominations that will appear on the ballot is Saturday, November 5th.

Vice-President – Christle Miersma   Linda Polley

Assigning Secretary – Harvey Madrigal   Ronnie Kaase    Craig Smith    Janiece Nelson   Charlie Tamez

Recording Secretary – No current nominations

At-Large Rep – Chez Slaton    Gary Oncale


Proposed Changes to the By-laws

There are numerous changes to the By-laws being proposed. These will be voted upon at the meeting on November 9th. Please review them on the chapter website prior to the meeting and be prepared to ask any questions you may have concerning the proposed changes.


Coaches Playoff Requests

Every year, the assigning secretary requests a list of officials that the coaches prefer to have assigned for their playoff matches. Due to several requests for these lists from members concerned about their assignments, the lists have been posted in the Forms section under the Lists tab on Arbiter.

Here is an overview of how playoffs have been assigned by Marilyn. I visited her house last Thursday evening to see the process in person. It is amazing the time and effort she puts in to ensuring the athletes we serve have the best available officials. Having said that, it is an inexact science at best. Sometimes, qualified officials get left at home on playoff nights – based on availability, being put in reserve for anticipated matches, etc.

·        Officials availabilities are recorded in Marilyn’s playoff notebook

·        Officials requested for playoffs lists are recorded in Marilyn’s playoff notebook in order of preference and categorized by school.

·        As Marilyn receives matches and the accompanying request for officials – a full crew of 4 or a R1/R2 and LJ combo – they are entered in “The Notebook”.

·        As the matches are entered in “The Notebook”, official’s names begin to be penciled in. This allows for adjustments as needed. These penciled in assignments are initially based upon the coaches’ requests, availability of officials, other potential matches.

·        At different points in the process, some assignments are published to ensure acceptance of matches.

·        Some qualified officials (that may not be high on requested official’s lists) are sometimes held in reserve to be available for other matches that are anticipated to be received. Sometimes, these officials receive assignments, while other times the anticipated matches do not come through and these officials may be assigned to call lines or may end up without an assignment.

·        UIL periodically sends requests for officials. These are for matches outside of our area where the coaches can’t agree on officials and request UIL to send them a crew. As ACV is centrally located we receive quite a few of these assignments. 5 of these assignments were received for Tuesday, November 1st.

·        Matches are published for acceptance.


Local Playoff Matches Thursday, Friday, Saturday

If you are not assigned and want to see some good volleyball, here are some matches that are being played locally. There are entry fees charged at the venues for all the listed events. It is permissible to tell the ticket booth that you are an official there to observe the matches for your own training purposes, but you can’t insist upon free entry.

Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the Southwest Preparatory Conference is holding their Conference Championship Tournaments for Boys and Girls. Full schedule posted below.




Liberty Hill vs Gatesville at Belton HS 7:00PM

Harper vs Shiner at Burger Center 7:30PM

Poth vs Schulenberg at Luling HS 7:00PM

Lago Vista vs Marion at San Marcos HS 7:00PM


Smithson Valley vs Westlake at Lehman HS 7:00PM

Cedar Park vs Bryan at Rockdale HS 6:00PM



SPC Championship Tournament

11/3/2016 Thu

6:00 PM

St. Andrews Episcopal School, Gym

SPC Championshi...

11/3/2016 Thu

8:00 PM

St. Andrews Episcopal School, Gym

SPC Championshi...

11/3/2016 Thu

6:00 PM

St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Gym

SPC 2 Champions...

11/3/2016 Thu

8:00 PM

St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Gym

SPC 2 Champions...

11/4/2016 Fri

10:00 AM

St. Andrews Episcopal School, Gym

SPC Championshi...

11/4/2016 Fri

12:00 PM

St. Andrews Episcopal School, Gym

SPC Championshi...

11/4/2016 Fri

2:00 PM

St. Andrews Episcopal School, Gym

SPC Championshi...

11/4/2016 Fri

4:00 PM

St. Andrews Episcopal School, Gym

SPC 2 Champions...

11/4/2016 Fri

6:00 PM

St. Andrews Episcopal School, Gym

SPC 2 Champions...

11/4/2016 Fri

10:00 AM

St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Gym

SPC 2 Champions...

11/4/2016 Fri

12:00 PM

St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Gym

SPC 2 Champions...

11/4/2016 Fri

2:00 PM

St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Gym

SPC 2 Champions...

11/4/2016 Fri

9:00 AM

St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Gym 2

SPC Boys Champi...

11/4/2016 Fri

10:30 AM

St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Gym 2

SPC Boys Champi...

11/4/2016 Fri

12:00 PM

St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Gym 2

SPC Boys Champi...

11/4/2016 Fri

1:30 PM

St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Gym 2

SPC Boys Champi...

11/4/2016 Fri

3:00 PM

St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Gym 2

SPC Boys Champi...

11/4/2016 Fri

4:30 PM

St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Gym 2

SPC Boys Champi...

11/4/2016 Fri

6:00 PM

St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Gym 2

SPC Boys Champi...

11/4/2016 Fri

7:30 PM

St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Gym 2

SPC Boys Champi...

11/5/2016 Sat

11:30 AM

St. Andrews Episcopal School, Gym

SPC Championshi...

11/5/2016 Sat

1:30 PM

St. Andrews Episcopal School, Gym

SPC Championshi...

11/5/2016 Sat

9:00 AM

St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Gym

SPC 2 Champions...

11/5/2016 Sat

11:00 AM

St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Gym

SPC 2 Champions...

11/5/2016 Sat

2:00 PM

St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Gym

SPC 2 Champions...

11/5/2016 Sat

10:00 AM

St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Gym 2

SPC Boys Champi...

11/5/2016 Sat

12:00 PM

St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Gym 2

SPC Boys Champi...

11/5/2016 Sat

2:00 PM

St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Gym 2

SPC Boys Champi...

11/5/2016 Sat

4:00 PM

St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Gym 2

SPC Boys Champi...





ACV Newsletter 19

Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016
Issue 19


Final Meeting of the Season

Please accept or decline the Event in Arbiter for the meeting so that we get a good head count for ordering the appropriate amount of food from the Olive Garden.

Note the important issues and elections noted below and make your plans to attend.

The final meeting of the season will be Wednesday, November 9th at the Austin Police Union Hall. Food will be served beginning at 6:00PM. The meeting will begin at 6:30PM.


Board Position Nominations

Here are the current nominations for the open positions: Remember that the final day for nominations that will appear on the ballot is Saturday, November 5th.

Vice-President – Christle Miersma   Linda Polley

Assigning Secretary – Harvey Madrigal   Ronnie Kaase    Craig Smith    Janiece Nelson   Charlie Tamez

Recording Secretary – No current nominations

At-Large Rep – Chez Slaton


Proposed Changes to the By-laws

Additional By-laws Proposals have been posted to the Chapter website since yesterday evening.


There are proposals from the By-laws Committee, the Audit Committee and David Plaisance. Please review these before the meeting on November 9th.

ACV Newsletter 18

Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016
Issue 18



If you are assigned to any playoff matches, you should take a few minutes to review the Playoff Platter to refresh yourself on what is recommended when working a playoff match.


Final Meeting of the Season

Note the important issues and elections noted below and make you plans to attend.

The final meeting of the season will be Wednesday, November 9th at the Austin Police Union Hall. Food from the Olive Garden will be served beginning at 6:00PM. The meeting will begin at 6:30PM. Please accept or decline the Event in Arbiter based on your plans to attend the meeting so we get a good headcount for the food.


Board Position Nominations

Here are the current nominations for the open positions: Remember that the final day for nominations that will appear on the ballot is Saturday, November 5th.

Vice-President – Christle Miersma   Linda Polley

Assigning Secretary – Harvey Madrigal   Ronnie Kaase    Craig Smith    Janiece Nelson   Charlie Tamez

Recording Secretary – No current nominations

At-Large Rep – Chez Slaton


Proposed Changes to the By-laws

The By-Laws Committee Proposal has been posted to the Chapter website. There have been other proposed By-laws changes from the Audit Committee and a member posted to the Chapter website. These are all posted below.


From the By-laws Committee

 Remove all references in the body of the By-Laws stating: "The Chapter," “chapter,”  "Chapter," "The Austin Chapter," "Austin Volleyball Chapter," "Volleyball Chapter," "Austin Chapter Volleyball."

Change to: ACV

Reason: It will read consistently and not have different text.

Remove all references to the Executive Committee

Change to: Board of Directors

Reason: It will read consistently and not have different text.

Remove the Code of Ethics from the By-Laws

Move to: a stand alone document, subject to the same rules as the Stated Policies.

Reason: Document does not belong in the By-Laws.

Remove:  These Bylaws may be amended at any regular or called meetings by three-fourths (3/4) majority of the votes cast of members present at the meeting.

Change to: a two-thirds majority of the members attending a regular or called meeting be required to change the by-laws and that the change(s) be made effective immediately or at a subsequent date, as stated in each approved amendment.”

Reason: Even though changes to the By-Laws should be carefully reviewed and considered, this proposal allows some flexibility to the effective date of new items and provides a more reasonable threshold for approval.


The By-laws Committee has added the following from the Audit Committee as a separate amendment to be considered

Section 5 The Treasurer of the Austin Chapter shall have the following duties and responsibilities: 
File all mandatory IRS and State tax documents and provide copies to the Recording Secretary for Chapter records.
Section 6 The Recording Secretary of the Austin Chapter shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
Maintain copies of all mandatory IRS and State tax documents submitted

A proposal from David Plaisance - Update coming later this evening

Proposal1.  As I read through the bylaws, it strikes me there are no provisions for handling charges against any member brought by a member of the board.  I propose the following language updates that would have any board member that brings charges not be involved in the process from that point forward - this includes notifications/discussions/ decisions - with the obvious exception of participating in any investigation.  For example, should the president or vice president bring charges that the ethics committee determines to be valid, he/she/they would be excluded from any actions described in the bylaws and replaced as needed by another officer as described in the bylaws. 

Change Article XI Discipline, Section 3 subsection b “Upon conclusion of the investigation, the committee will make recommendations to the President as to the actions that should be taken against the member in violation”


“Upon conclusion of the investigation, the committee will make recommendations to the President as to the actions that should be taken against the member in violation unless the President is involved as either the complainant or the accused, in which case the committee will make recommendations to the Vice President.


Change Article XI Discipline, Section 3, subsection d “If the member is in agreement with the recommended actions or sanctions and notifies the President or Vice President of their acceptance, they will be enacted and no further action is needed. “




“If the member is in agreement with the recommended actions or sanctions, they should notify either the President or Vice President (unless either was involved in the violation as the complainant or the accused, the notification should go to the officer not involved), they will be enacted and no further action is needed.”


Change Article XI Discipline, Section 3, subsection e “If the member is in disagreement with the recommended actions or sanctions, they must notify the President or Vice President within ten (10) days of receipt of the notification that they wish to proceed with Section 4 below. “




“If the member is in disagreement with the recommended actions or sanctions, they must notify the President or Vice President within ten (10) days of receipt of the notification that they wish to proceed with Section 4 below.   In the event the President or the Vice President was involved in the violation as the complainant or the accused, the notification should go to the officer not involved.”


Change Article XI Discipline, Section 4 “In the case of a member not in agreement with the actions or sanctions as recommended in Section 3 above, the member will have the opportunity to meet with the Board of Directors regarding the alleged violation. Once the President or Vice President has been notified, the member will be notified of the time and the location of the regular or called meeting of the board. This member must be notified via email and/or certified mail a minimum of 10 days prior to the Board of Directors’ meeting.

The member may waive the notification requirement if notified in person. At the request of the member and with mutual agreement of the board, this 10 day requirement may be waived in order to expedite the matter. Upon conclusion of the meeting with member, the Board of Directors will vote on the matter. A majority of the Board of Directors must be in attendance and a majority of the votes cast is required for the recommended verbal reprimand, probation, suspension, and/or termination to take effect. The member will be notified of the decision of the board by certified mail, or by email when confirmation of receipt is received within 48 hours.”




“In the case of a member not in agreement with the actions or sanctions as recommended in Section 3 above, the member will have the opportunity to meet with the Board of Directors regarding the alleged violation.  If the complainant is a member of the Board of Directors, they will not participate in the meeting. Once the President or Vice President has been notified (assuming neither is the complainant or the accused, in which case the notification should go to the officer not involved), the member will be notified of the time and the location of the regular or called meeting of the board. This member must be notified via email and/or certified mail a minimum of 10 days prior to the Board of Directors’ meeting.

The member may waive the notification requirement if notified in person. At the request of the member and with mutual agreement of the board, this 10 day requirement may be waived in order to expedite the matter. Upon conclusion of the meeting with member, the Board of Directors will vote on the matter. A majority of the Board of Directors must be in attendance and a majority of the votes cast is required for the recommended verbal reprimand, probation, suspension, and/or termination to take effect. The member will be notified of the decision of the board by certified mail, or by email when confirmation of receipt is received within 48 hours.”


Change Article XI Discipline Section 5 “In the case that a member has been verbally reprimanded, placed on probation, suspended, or terminated, said member will have up to thirty (30) calendar days from the date of notice to appeal the decision. Any appeal must be in writing and submitted to the President or his/her designee. The Board of Directors will set up a meeting within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of the appeal with said member and allow that member to present any further information to the Executive Board. This notice of meeting must be by certified mail, or by email when confirmation of receipt is received within 48 hours. The Board of Directors will then have fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of the meeting to take action and inform said member of the final decision. Notice of the final decision must be made by registered mail. Failure to follow any portion of the appeals process, by either party, will result in the probation, suspension, and/or termination being upheld or dismissed.”




In the case that a member has been verbally reprimanded, placed on probation, suspended, or terminated, said member will have up to thirty (30) calendar days from the date of notice to appeal the decision. Any appeal must be in writing and submitted to the President or his/her designee (excepting when the President is the complainant or the accused, the appeal will be made in writing to the Vice President). The Board of Directors will set up a meeting within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of the appeal with said member and allow that member to present any further information to the Executive Board. This notice of meeting must be by certified mail, or by email when confirmation of receipt is received within 48 hours. The Board of Directors will then have fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of the meeting to take action and inform said member of the final decision.  If a member of the Board of Directors is the complainant or the accused, they will not participate in the appeal deliberation meeting.  Notice of the final decision must be made by registered mail. Failure to follow any portion of the appeals process, by either party, will result in the probation, suspension, and/or termination being upheld or dismissed.”


Change Article XI Discipline Section 7 from Any member of the Board of Directors that misses two or more called Board meetings may be immediately replaced by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The President then will be responsible to fill any vacancy until an Election can be held per Article X, Section 5.”




Any member of the Board of Directors that misses two or more called Board meetings may be immediately replaced by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The President then will be responsible to fill the vacancy until an Election can be held per Article X, Section 5.  If the member is replaced is the President, the Vice President will be responsible to fill the vacancy until an election can be held per Article X, Section 5.”


Proposal 2 – Chapter officers should be full time members of the Austin Chapter and not a dual member with another chapter.   Dual members may run for office, but to help ensure Austin Chapter interests are paramount and there are no potential conflicts, if elected the dual member should declare the Austin Chapter their only chapter. 


Furthermore, no person should hold more than one office.  If a current Board of Directors officer run for another position and win, they will automatically resign the current position when the new of


Change Article X Elections Section 4 “The term of office for the President, Vice-President, Assigning Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and the three At-large Representatives shall be for a period of two (2) years beginning December 1st of each year.”




“The term of office for the President, Vice-President, Assigning Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and the three At-large Representatives shall be for a period of two (2) years beginning December 1st of each year.  All officers may not be a dual member with another chapter.  No person may hold more than one office.  If a current officer is elected to another position that would result in that officer holding two offices during a ACV fiscal year, the officer will resign the current office in favor of the newly elected office on December 1st.”

Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016 Issue 17 10/21/2016

CORRECTION: USAV Volleyball Clinics

Note that the start time for the clinic on October 30th was incorrect in the last newsletter – the correct start time is 1:00PM

The USAV season is right around the corner. Want to earn some extra money officiating volleyball this spring? Want to get more reps to become a better referee? There are several clinics being conducted in the Austin area soon. If you are interested, there is more information available at Click on Officials Clinic and Info and then on Paid Ref Tournaments for all the information you need to get started officiating USAV. If you have not officiated USAV in the past, the best clinic to attend is scheduled for October 30th at the Austin Sports Center in Cedar Park from 1:00-4PM. The contact for that clinic is David Plaisance at

If you are unavailable for that clinic, others that are available are listed under the Officials Clinics and Info Page.

October 23rd at Austin Sports Center South from 8-11:30AM followed by ratings until 1PM. Contact is Kevin Carlyle at

November 13th at Westlake Athletic and Community Center from 11AM-2:30PM. Contact is Craig Smith at

December 3rd at Austin Sports Center South from 9AM-12:30PM followed by ratings from 12:30-2PM. Contact is Ronnie Kaase at

December 3rd at the PAC in Leander from 4-7:30PM. Contact is Joe Lizama at

December 3rd at Comfort Suites in Buda from 1:30-4:30PM. Contact is Charlie Tamez at


More Ranking Information

Some members have expressed concerns about their individual ranking that was recently communicated. This was not unanticipated. Communicating rankings is one of many areas the board is trying to address regarding transparency concerns raised by a few members. As was noted in the ranking release, there is no specific ranking required to work certain levels of matches. It is one of the components used when assigning matches. It should go without saying that we as a chapter, and the schools we serve, want the best officials working all our matches.


Rankings help the assigner ensure we meet that objective. Some officials are content to work only middle school or only sub varsity or only lines. Those matches are important to the participants and deserve the best possible official, so the board has consistently provided training opportunities to ensure all are aware of the current rules, techniques, and protocols. However, while an official may be current with all requirements, one’s ranking wouldn’t necessarily change unless they’re seen officiating higher level matches.


The board made the decision this past year to have two trainers rather than one so we would have more availability to evaluate officials and provide feedback. Many officials were evaluated this past season and the plans are to continue the evaluations to update and improve the accuracy of the rankings. If you feel that your ranking is significantly wrong, please contact your at-large rep so that a list can be generated of those who want their ranking reviewed.


Our last point is that these rankings are based solely on NFHS play. While you do not have to call USAV, NCAA, or NAIA, officiating these matches allows you to be seen which leads to opportunities to officiate higher levels of NFHS which can lead to a higher ranking. There is no question that the more one practices a craft after receiving feedback/instruction, the better one becomes. That said, the chapter has many highly ranked officials that only call NFHS.


From the President

I announced in the last meeting that I am trying to find out if Sunday, November 13th (12pm-3pm) would be better than Wednesday November 9th (6:30-8:30PM) for our end of the season meeting.  Below I have listed some pros and cons. 


Meeting was already scheduled for a Wednesday date

Too late to change

I already have plans that Sunday.

Sunday is my day to relax


No traffic

More time to discuss voting agenda

More time to discuss possible By-Law changes

Able to relax with members after the meeting.


Please complete the survey at to answer this question (A link has also been posted to the FAQ page on the chapter website):

Would you like to keep the meeting on Wednesday or move to Sunday?

Yes, Keep it on Wednesday

No, move it to Sunday


Either way your Board is okay with the decision, that is made by the members.

This questionnaire will end at midnight, Saturday, October 22nd due to time constraints. 




Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016
Issue 16


Final Meeting of 2016

The final mandatory meeting for all members will be held at the Austin Police Union Hall. The meeting will be held on either Wednesday, November 9th from 6:30-8:30PM or Sunday, November 13th from 12-3PM. Please complete the survey at to indicate your preference of meeting dates. Please note that the current By-Laws only allow for votes for the election and possible By-Laws changes from those in attendance at the meeting.


From the President

I announced in the last meeting that I am trying to find out if Sunday, November 13th (12pm-3pm) would be better than Wednesday November 9th (6:30-8:30PM) for our end of the season meeting.  Below I have listed some pros and cons. 


Meeting was already scheduled for a Wednesday date

Too late to change

I already have plans that Sunday.

Sunday is my day to relax


No traffic

More time to discuss voting agenda

More time to discuss possible By-Law changes

Able to relax with members after the meeting.


Please complete the survey at to answer this question (A link has also been posted to the FAQ page on the chapter website):

Would you like to keep the meeting on Wednesday or move to Sunday?

Yes, Keep it on Wednesday

No, move it to Sunday


Either way your Board is okay with the decision, that is made by the members.

This questionnaire will end at midnight, Saturday, October 22nd due to time constraints. 


Final Meeting Meal

Please be on the lookout for an email announcing the event on Arbiter. Please accept or decline the meeting based on your planned attendance so that the Chapter can order the appropriate amount of food.



The nomination process for open board positions started at the meeting on October 12th. The vote will be conducted by secret ballot at the final meeting of season in November. The following positions will be open and nominations accepted: Vice-President, Assigning Secretary, Recording Secretary and At-Large Representative #2. Please contact Bob Block to submit a nomination -


Current Nominations

Vice-President – Christle Miersma, Linda Polley

Assigning Secretary – Harvey Madrigal, Ronnie Kaase, Craig Smith

Recording Secretary – N/A

At-Large Representative – N/A


Scrimmage Credits

An email will be sent prior to the final meeting with the amount of your scrimmage credit and how much you owe for 2017 dues. Once you receive it, you will need to also complete a 2017 Austin Chapter Volleyball application to submit with your dues. Please remember that you must submit your app and dues prior to December 1st to take advantage of this credit. Dues submitted late will not only forfeit the scrimmage credit, but also incur a $25 lat efee.


By-Laws Changes

There is a possibility that By-Laws Changes will be presented for approval at the last meeting. A page has been placed on the chapter website where these will be posted. You will also be notified via a newsletter or other Arbiter announcement when they are available for review.


USAV Volleyball Clinics

The USAV season is right around the corner. Want to earn some extra money officiating volleyball this spring? Want to get more reps to become a better referee? There are several clinics being conducted in the Austin area soon. If you are interested, there is more information available at Click on Officials Clinic and Info and then on Paid Ref Tournaments for all the information you need to get started officiating USAV. If you have not officiated USAV in the past, the best clinic to attend is scheduled for October 30th at the Austin Sports Center in Cedar Park from 1:30-4PM. The contact for that clinic is David Plaisance at

If you are unavailable for that clinic, others that are available are listed under the Officials Clinics and Info Page.

October 23rd at Austin Sports Center South from 8-11:30AM followed by ratings until 1PM. Contact is Kevin Carlyle at

November 13th at Westlake Athletic and Community Center from 11AM-2:30PM. Contact is Craig Smith at

December 3rd at Austin Sports Center South from 9AM-12:30PM followed by ratings from 12:30-2PM. Contact is Ronnie Kaase at

December 3rd at the PAC in Leander from 4-7:30PM. Contact is Joe Lizama at

December 3rd at Comfort Suites in Buda from 1:30-4:30PM. Contact is Charlie Tamez at


Haven’t Been Paid Properly for a Match?

Some members have expressed concerns about various schools or districts either being slow to pay or not paying mileage or other issues with pay. In an effort to determine if there are specific schools or districts that have regular issues, there is a form located on the Match Tools page – click on “What If?”.

This form also contains the steps to follow if it has been 30 days since your match and you have not been paid. Please complete the form if you have encountered problems with pay.

ACV Newsletter 15

Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016
Issue 15


Next Meeting

The next mandatory meeting for all members will be held at the Austin Police Union Hall on October 12th at 6:30PM. Pizza will be available beginning at 6PM until it is gone.


Playoff Availability Form

The Playoff Availability Form is now available on Please complete and get it to Marilyn no later than the October 12th meeting. The UIL and TAPPS Playoff Pay Sheets have also been added. Note that some concerns had been expressed about the wording on the form and it has been updated.



The nomination process for open board positions will start at the meeting on October 12th. The vote will be conducted by secret ballot at the final meeting of season in November. The following positions will be open and nominations accepted: Vice-President, Assigning Secretary, Recording Secretary and At-Large Representative #2.


A Personal Note from the VP and Newsletter Editor

As noted above, elections will be held at the final meeting of the season. I believe sometimes many members believe that those of us on the board, particularly those who have been in office for an extended period of time, are “lifers” so to speak. This should never prevent you from running for a position or getting involved to help make this the best Chapter in the State. Even if you are pleased with the way the chapter is being run and are happy with the people in office, “new blood” is always welcome. This all leads me to let you know that I will personally not be running for Vice-President this year. It is time to take a break and enjoy more grandkid time. I encourage anyone interested in running for Vice-President who has questions about what the position entails to contact me.


A Personal Note from the Assigner

I just wanted to take a minute to thank all of those who have believed in me over the past 10 years. Thank you for your support in my ongoing efforts to take care of the Volleyball athletes of our area. I am also announcing that I will not be running for Assigner this year. It is also time for me to take a break. Please contact me if you are interested in learning more about what all is involved in Assigning for the Chapter. You might want to know that work begins as soon as January for the new season.


Middle School Matches – Patience Pills

We continue to receive reports of “grumpy” referees at middle school matches. Sometimes, the officials may actually be grumpy, but most times that is only a perception of the coaches based upon some of the calls made or interactions with the coaches. For instance, a referee arrives at a middle school and while checking the net notices that the metal connectors at the bottom of the net are missing the little Velcro covers. The referee immediately approaches the coach and says, “Coach, you know we can’t play the match without the metal being covered”. Immediately, the coach becomes defensive and perceives the referee as being grumpy. Remember, as opposed to high school matches where most of the players already know what to do and there are a number of experienced coaches that take care of details like this, that is not the case at most middle schools. Many middle school coaches may be the only coach for their grade level for both the A and B teams. They may be new. They may not even really know the rules and protocols. Many are still learning. In these cases, we need to be the facilitators and teachers of the game. A better approach: the referee goes to the coach and says, “Coach, I was checking the net and noticed the metal connectors are missing the little protective sleeves. You know we need those covered?”

When the coach responds that they didn’t know or they can’t find them the referee responds, “No problem, coach. Yes, we have to have them covered for the safety of the players. If you can’t find the sleeves, we can use a towel and some athletic tape to cover them.” Now, you the referee has become a friendly facilitator rather than a grumpy old fart.

I always take a “patience pill” before entering a middle school gym. Early in the season, when entering a gym for 7th grade matches, I might take several. Remember, particularly at the middle school level, all of the players should be there to learn and enjoy the game of volleyball – the referee should be doing everything they can to make that happen.



Haven’t Been Paid Properly for a Match?

Some members have expressed concerns about various schools or districts either being slow to pay or not paying mileage or other issues with pay. In an effort to determine if there are specific schools or districts that have regular issues, there is a form located on the Match Tools page – click on “What If?”.


This form also contains the steps to follow if it has been 30 days since your match and you have not been paid. Please complete the form if you have encountered problems with pay.

ACV Newsletter 14

Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016
Issue 14


From the President’s Desk:

Hello members

As you continue to officiate, I would like to applaud many of you on a job well done thus far. On many of your officiating assignments you go without a thank you, or a pat on the back, and at times are not even asked if you need anything prior to a match.  I would like you to know that many coaches have expressed their thanks and gratitude.  They have also told me how happy they are when they see you walking in.  Let’s keep the good vibe going and do not forget to have fun!  Great job ACV officials!  


I also want everyone to know that I would like to start a “ACV Board Member Shadow Program.”  This program is set for any ACV member that is interested in running for a board position. Over the years, many of you stated that you are interested in running for a position but are unaware of all the duties that may come with a board position.  Implementing this program will allow you to see some of the fun and some of the not so fun the board deals with. This will help you understand what the board does and will give you a different grip on some of the decisions that are made. While participation in this program will be highly encouraged, it will not be required to run for a position. Once all the details are set, I will let you know when this program will start.   

Until then, keep up the good work and I hope to see everyone at the meeting.


Next Meeting

The next mandatory meeting for all members will be held at the Austin Police Union Hall on October 12th at 6:30PM. Pizza will be available beginning at 6PM until it is gone.


Uniforms – Sub-Varsity

We continue to hear concerns about what is legal and what is not for uniforms.

Remember – at anything other than the Varsity level – the word of the day is leniency.

This means that as long as the libero jersey contrasts enough with the rest of the players for you to be able to tell the difference, we are playing. We prefer that they have a light vs dark combination. Dark blue or dark green vs black jerseys is probably not contrasting. Dark pink and red are also probably not contrasting. We are not concerned in any way with the solid-color jersey rule at the Sub-Varsity level.


Legal Uniforms

Please review Page 17 of the rule book and review what constitutes a legal uniform. We have been made aware of at least one school’s jerseys not all being exactly the same color. Note that the rule book says they are to be “like-colored”. The wording is the same for the shorts/uniform bottoms. Earlier this year, I worked a match where most of the players were in standard black spandex, but two were wearing similarly colored black soccer-style shorts over their spandex. Rule 4.2. Art.1.b.1 makes this legal. We have been made aware of some sub-varsity teams whose jerseys marginally meet the definition of “like-colored”. Remember – Sub-Varsity – Leniency is the word of the day.


Varsity – Solid Color Jersey Rule

Either the libero AND/OR the players must be in a jersey compliant with the solid-color rule. If a team is not able to meet this standard, they should not be allowed to play with a libero.

Varsity libero jerseys should be clearly contrasting. This has not changed with the solid-color jersey rule.

Please take a few minutes to review the NFHS Power Point on the 2016 Solid Color Jersey Rule and the TASO/UIL/TAPPS Statement on the Solid Color Jersey Rule so you are clear on what is compliant.

Both of these documents have been posted to the FAQ page on

While “clearly contrasting” is up to each individual referee, we need to be consistent in enforcement of the solid color jersey rule. If we don’t enforce it now, we are setting up teams for trouble when they reach the playoffs.


Proper Signal Sequence at End of Time Outs

Some members have asked questions concerning the proper sequence at the end of a time out when a substitution is also going to be administered. Once a time out is initiated, the time out should be completed prior to administering a substitution. For instance, during a time out, one team is ready to play before the other and wants to substitute. Any time there is a requested for substitution after a time out has been signaled, the substitute should be informed that the substitution will occur upon completion of the time out and they should be in the substitution zone at that time.

Signal sequence – with 15 seconds remaining in the time out, if a horn or buzzer is not sounded, a whistle should be blown by the R2 to alert the teams that they need to return to the court. At the end of 60 seconds (or if both teams are ready to play sooner), the time out is ended – if a horn or buzzer is not sounded, a double whistle should be sounded by the R2 and the number of time outs used by each team displayed. The R1 repeats the display of the number of time outs used. With the substitute in the substitution zone, the R2 whistles and signals for substitution. Once the substitution is recorded by the scorekeeper the R2 will signal the return of the court to the R1 on the receiving side.


Middle School Matches – Patience Pills

We have been receiving reports of “grumpy” referees at middle school matches. Sometimes, the officials may actually be grumpy, but most times that is only a perception of the coaches based upon some of the calls made or interactions with the coaches. For instance, a referee arrives at a middle school and while checking the net notices that the metal connectors at the bottom of the net are missing the little Velcro covers. The referee immediately approaches the coach and says, “Coach, you know we can’t play the match without the metal being covered”. Immediately, the coach becomes defensive and perceives the referee as being grumpy. Remember, as opposed to high school matches where most of the players already know what to do and there are a number of experienced coaches that take care of details like this, that is not the case at most middle schools. Many middle school coaches may be the only coach for their grade level for both the A and B teams. They may be new. They may not even really know the rules and protocols. Many are still learning. In these cases, we need to be the facilitators and teachers of the game. A better approach: the referee goes to the coach and says, “Coach, I was checking the net and noticed the metal connectors are missing the little protective sleeves. You know we need those covered?”

When the coach responds that they didn’t know or they can’t find them the referee responds, “No problem, coach. Yes, we have to have them covered for the safety of the players. If you can’t find the sleeves, we can use a towel and some athletic tape to cover them.” Now, you the referee has become a friendly facilitator rather than a grumpy old fart.

I always take a “patience pill” before entering a middle school gym. Early in the season, when entering a gym for 7th grade matches, I might take several. Remember, particularly at the middle school level, all of the players should be there to learn and enjoy the game of volleyball – the referee should be doing everything they can to make that happen.


School Mileage Key

Some updates have been posted recently to the School Mileage Key on the forms page on Veritas and Texas School for the Deaf are both now listed as TAPPS schools and the TAPPS pay sheet should be used. Note the TAPPS mileage listed is for everyone regardless of how far you are personally from the school. This is based the distance from a center point in Austin to the school.


Playoff Availability Form

The Playoff Availability Form is now available on Please complete and get to Marilyn no later than the October 12th meeting. The UIL and TAPPS Playoff Paysheets have also been added.


Years of Service

Every year, the chapter submits a list, based upon chapter records, to the TASO office for 5, 10, 15, 20, etc. years of service awards based upon the number of years completed during the current season. The following year, the awards are distributed at the State Meeting. Despite our best effort, it seems that every year someone is overlooked or receives the wrong award. These records are based on what is passed along at the chapter level. TASO does not currently track this. As Kevin has done in the past, he will be sending a separate email to all members to review the information on file. Please take the time to review it and respond if the information is incorrect. Please only respond to the email.



The nomination process for open board positions will start at the meeting on October 12th. The vote will be conducted by secret ballot at the final meeting of season in November. The following positions will be open and nominations accepted: Vice-President, Assigning Secretary, Recording Secretary and At-Large Representative #2.


TAPPS Mileage

The mileage distance for TAPPS schools is based on the school’s distance from a center point in Austin, not the distance from your home to the site. The school mileage key on the Forms section of the website shows the appropriate dollar amount to claim.

ACV Newsletter 13

Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016
Issue 13



Transparency of Assignments

Over the past year, there have been some questions and concerns about assigning by the chapter.

In an effort to be as transparent as possible, we have made last year’s schedule available for all active members. Additionally, current year’s assignments for all matches are now viewable by all members. In Arbiter – go to Schedule – Then Master Schedule. Click on View Slots and you will be able to see officials assigned for all matches.

Last year’s schedule is available in the forms section of Arbiter. The 2015 playoff schedule is also available separately in the forms section. If you have any concerns, please contact your At-Large Rep.


Training Topics from Last Night’s Meeting

Below is the script from the training that was covered at last night’s meeting.

Line-up Card Discussion

Please be aware that despite the discussion regarding the use or non-use of a line-up card during matches, there is no intent by the trainers or the chapter to discourage use of the line-up card. This was merely a discussion to explain potential reason why and how some officials use a line-up card on a very limited basis. If you regularly use a line-up card to better facilitate your matches as an R2, please continue to do what you have been doing.

R1/R2 Signals for Net and Center Line Violations

Please review the information below – even if you were at the meeting.

R1s should not be repeating the violation signal when R2s initiate fault calls.

Late Line-Up Submission

There was a discrepancy as to the penalty for a coach submitting their line-up late. The penalty is a loss of rally – point for the opponent. Remember – line-ups are to be submitted 2 minutes prior to the end of timed warmups prior to the start of the match and 1 minute prior to the end of the interval between sets.

As discussed at the meeting, it is the responsibility of the R2 to provide preventative officiating to avoid the need to penalize a team for submitting a late line-up. Prior to penalizing a team for a late line-up, you should ask yourself – “Have I done everything possible to avoid having to penalize this team?”


Lineup card vs No lineup card

o   The lineup card is a tool available to use as an R2. (Rule book Rule 5 – Section 5) Second Referee responsibilities, Art. 1 Note: “The second Referee has the sole responsibility to record both teams in starting floor position on his/her lineup card. The lineups are submitted to the scorer from each coach are in serve order.” Points of emphasis #4 (rule book page #52 discusses the “proper use of lineup card”.

o   1-3 year officials should be using lineup cards, you are working mostly middle school and sub varsity and often the scoring table is inexperienced. Some more experienced officials, officials who call other rule sets, etc. often do not use lineup cards during the match and are able to recognize positional faults, service order errors, libero replacement errors, etc. Keeping or not keeping is not right or wrong.

o   Think about your duties as R2 and the best way for you to perform those duties. If the flow of the match is not delayed then why not use it. The goal is to recognize faults, not catch them doing something wrong, but not allowing an advantage because someone is out of position. If you use the card and it helps you recognize faults then use it. If it is not helping you then you should ask for further explanation on how to keep your lineup card.

o   Using a lineup card does not make you a bad official. It is a tool available to use if you choose. When keeping a lineup card here are some things to keep in mind:

§  Remember, your card is written in service order. The serving team should have their 1st server in RB or position 1, the receiving team should have their 1st server in RF or position 2. Then follow around in order.

§  Only record as much or as little information on your lineup card as the competency of your scoring table dictates.

§  If recording subs on your lineup card, make sure you have finished writing and your card is put away BEFORE giving the court back to the R1.

§  Challenge yourself to learn to recognize positional/alignment faults by serve receive formations.

o   If not using a lineup card here’s some tips:

§  Memorize your setter and opposite, what position is the libero going in for, who is she serving for?

§  With more experience the different receive formations will become more recognizable to you.

§  If you’re unsure, ask the scorer who is the next server and then locate your opposites and you should see a formation/pattern. Remember the reason they are using these weird formations is so the setter does not pass the 1st ball.

§  Asking the scorer who your next 3 servers are will tell you who should be in your front row, RF, MF and LF. Again, locate your setter and the opposite and it becomes easier to see your pattern/formation.

R2 area of focus

o   During play the R1 and R2 should not be looking at the same things, if you are then one of you are unnecessary.

o   R2 main area of responsibility during play is focusing at the net area looking for net contact or center line violations, ball out on their side of the court.

o   R2 secondary responsibility is assisting the R1 with touches off the block or no touch (4 hits), libero setting in the front zone and/or other illegal back row attacks. A good R2 is able to help with discreet signals and only calls back row violations if 100% sure of a fault and after making eye contact with the R1 and the R1 does not communicate they saw otherwise (safe signal)

o   Avoid tunnel vision down the net but DO NOT Watch the ball during play.

o   Position yourself near the center line extended about 4 - 6 feet back from the court (can be back further if there’s room). Shoulders parallel with the court.

o   R2 should always transition to the defensive side of the ball (blocking side)

o   Your field of vision should be wide enough to be able to see the 1st contact and by the 2nd contact you should have transitioned into place and be stationary but still able to see the 2nd contact either through the net or around the pole. If your view is blocked by the pole. Do NOT lean around the pole to see. If you are leaning around the pole to see, you are too close to the court and need to move back.

o   By 3rd contact your vision/focus narrows to just the action at the net; seeing the block, any contact with the net and all the way down to the center line. So the eye sequence would be hands, net, feet. When the players transition off the net, you transition and widening your focus again.

Signal mechanics

R1 mechanics and R2 repeating

·        When the R2 initiates a fault call, the R1 does not repeat the fault signal (if it is a net violation, the number of the player at fault is repeated)

·        When the R1 initiates a fault call for a net violation, the R2 repeats the R1’s signals ( Award the point, signal the net violation, indicate the number of the player at fault)

R2 initiating the call (net violation, center line, out on their side)

·        It is not necessary for the R2 to actually touch the net

o   Who repeats what?

Consistency, professionalism, etc.

o   Pay attention to details: We don’t call a match from a plyo box, make sure that courts, nets, playing area adhere to Rule 3.

o   Use effective time management and enforce when the line ups are due, time outs, warm ups, etc.

o   Appearance. Uniform shirt should be white, unwrinkled and tucked in.

o   Don’t be a lone wolf. If you allow someone to wear something illegal or non-compliant, then the next ref looks like a jerk when they don’t allow it. This applies to non-contrasting libero jersey’s, jewelry, hair bands, etc. If you’re at a tournament and the tournament rules say that the games are best 2/3 games to 25 (cap at 30) per UIL, then don’t be a lone wolf and allow the 3rd deciding set played to 15 just because the coaches agree.

o   Remember you and your partner/crew are a team and have your own duties to perform. Make sure you are a team player and doing your part. You don’t want to be someone that other officials avoid working with. We have all worked with that official that made us feel we are calling the match by ourselves, or worse…wished we were. DON’T be THAT official. You should strive to be the official everyone wants to work with because they know you are knowledgeable, consistent and professional.

o   Ball handling: Understanding that everyone’s judgment is different and each game is unique we should still be striving, as a chapter, to be consistent in how a match is officiated. We don’t want to be overly officious but sometimes calls just need to be made. A coach wants to be able to teach his setter that if she contacts a ball a certain way then she will be called for the violation. If I call it but you don’t call it then we are inconsistent. If a player hits the ball with an open palm and you call that a “lift” but I don’t because it was not “prolonged contact” then we are inconsistent. The spinning of a ball does not always mean that a double contact has occurred. If you did not see 2 distinct contacts on the ball, then you should not call a double, even if the ball is spinning. But if it comes out with a weird change of direction spinning like a Frisbee, chances are that a double contact has occurred and you should call it. Obviously there are many variables i.e. grade level of the match, skill level of the teams playing, etc. This is something that you can discuss with your partner at your match so that you and your partner are consistent that night, and the chapter becomes more consistent as a whole. A good rule of thumb at all levels is to set your tolerance line just below the skill level of the better team. In other words, if Team A has an awesome setter who does not make any mistakes and Team B’s setter has hands like bricks. Then set your line just under the level of Team A. Yes it’s going to be a rough night for Team B’s setter but, they should not gain an advantage over Team A just because you don’t want to “beat up their setter”.

ACV Newsletter 12

Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016
Issue 12



Rules Questions of the Week (Answers at the bottom)

1)     A libero exchange occurs after the whistle and signal for serve. What’s your call?

2)     A substitute runs into the sub zone and the R2 whistles and signals substitution. The coach pulls the substitute back and withdraws the request for substitution. What should the R2 do?

3)     After #3 for Team A serves for points 13,14,15 and 16, then serves into the net giving Team B their 20th point. Prior to team B serving, it is discovered that #3 was the wrong server. What should the R2 do to correct this? What is the correction if it is discovered after Team B has served?

4)     A JV team has jerseys that are non-compliant with the solid-color rule, but the libero has a clearly contrasting (also non-compliant with the solid-color rule) jersey. What action should the referees take?

5)     A Varsity team has jerseys that are mostly white with 6 inch wide panels down the seams on the side that are gray. The libero has a completely solid-color red jersey. Is this considered compliant with the solid-color rule?


Arbiter Announcements

All members should check the Arbiter Announcements daily for any updates.


Word Version of Pay Sheet

A Word version of the UIL pay sheet has been posted to the website and is completely fillable – including match and mileage information. You will be prompted to download it when clicking on the button.



All assignments should be worked as scheduled (including tournament schedules), unless changes have been approved the Assigner/Tournament Leader. This includes R1/R2 assignments.



Per UIL rules, tournaments that are played best 2 out of 3 are played to 25 (all three sets capped at 30).


Non-Public School Mileage

All members should review the School Mileage Key in the forms section of the website. This form shows the proper pay sheets and mileage to use. This is particularly important when calling matches at non-public schools.


Deciding Sets to 15

District 25 5A voted to play the 3rd deciding set to 15pts on JV & 9th grade matches.Schools are Austin, Ann Richards,Crockett, Eastside,Lanier, McCallum, Reagan, Travis


Rules Questions of the Week Answers

1)     A libero exchange that occurs after the whistle and signal for serve results in an out of alignment call and loss of rally point and serve to the opponent.

2)     A withdrawn substitution that has been whistled and signaled should result in a yellow card delay warning. (If there was a previous delay warning in the same set, the result would be a red card delay penalty) The team is not required to substitute.

3)     If a wrong server is discovered prior to the opponent’s serve, the result should be removal of all points scored by the incorrect server. No additional points should be awarded since the opponent has already received a point due to a loss of rally by the incorrect server. If the wrong server is discovered after the opponent has served, no removal of points should occur. The team with the incorrect server should be placed in the proper rotation.

4)     There is no action necessary with sub-Varsity teams that are not in compliance with the solid-color jersey rule. The libero must still have a clearly contrasting uniform from the rest of the team.

5)     Yes, only the team or the libero for Varsity teams must have a jersey that is compliant with the solid-color rule.

ACV Newsletter 11

Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016
Issue 11
As is always the case, the beginning of the season has some cobwebs to shake off. Below are some issues that have arisen in the first couple of days of the season. Please review all of these so that we are all on the same page as we go forward.
Sub Varsity Matches – NO Cap – 3rd Sets to 25
The UIL Rally Scoring Regulations document has been added to the website under member information. Please note that there is no cap for any match other than Varsity Tournament matches played 2 out of 3. The cap is 30 for Varsity Tournament matches.
Also, the only sets that should be played to 15 are the 5th set of Varsity matches. The only exception is sub-varsity and middle school match deciding sets where there has been a prior agreement communicated to both teams before the start of the match.
Solid-colored Jersey Requirement new for 2016
Beginning in 2016, either the players or the libero are required to be in a solid-colored jersey. Please review exceptions below.

  1. We do not stop any sub-varsity or middle school team from playing with uniforms simply because they do not comply with the solid-color jersey rule. You may discuss with the coach that they are not compliant for the first few weeks of the season, but once we get to the middle of September we should not be concerned with this. If the libero uniform is not clearly contrasting from the players on the team, that is a totally different situation. Most sub-varsity teams use previous year’s Varsity jerseys.
    This weekend and next as we work Varsity Tournaments and matches, let’s all keep in mind that we are the facilitators of the match and shouldn’t be unreasonably punitive. Perhaps team’s uniforms have not arrived for the new season, they didn’t receive what they ordered, or they ordered the wrong uniforms that are not compliant with the solid-colored jersey rule. As long as they are clearly contrasting, we should let them play. By all means, we should be informing the coaches that they have non-compliant jerseys if they do and ask If they have an alternative to be compliant.
    Rouse and Dripping Springs High Schools both are using the same jersey style. They have a pattern down the seam of the sleeve that is no wider than one inch. These jerseys have been determined to be compliant with the solid-color rule as there is no requirement that piping or trim along seams be solid in color.

Del Valle Replay Screen
Del Valle High School has a screen that shows advertisements and replays rallies. While the rules specifically preclude an electronic device from being used to review a decision by a referee, there is no rule against showing replays.
Players Standing During Play
NFHS rules say that all players must be seated during play. Please see recommended exceptions below:

  1. Tournaments – most tournament do not have enough chairs and there is no choice but to have players stand past the end of the bench/chairs. They should remain back from the court. It is much safer for them to be standing that sitting on the floor.
    Regular season matches – this is a judgment call. Many teams have a large number of players, coaches and team members keeping stats. If all the chairs are filled and a few players are standing at the end of the bench and are remaining back from the court, we should not be concerned about this. On the other hand, if they have 15 coaches and other personnel sitting on the bench “keeping stats” and all the substitutes are standing at the end of the bench, we can request that some of the “stat-keepers” move to the stands to track their stats so that the players can sit.

PAVO Line Judge Clinic Attendees
If you attended the PAVO line judge clinic this past Sunday and are interested in being evaluated Friday or Saturday, please contact Harvey Madrigal at
From the President’s Desk
As a reminder, I recently sent out information to everyone regarding the ACV Treasurer Position.  If you are interested, or know someone that would like to run please send your recommendations to Bob Block at  This election will take place next month, at the September meeting.
Thank you and good luck with your season.