Newsletter 2017 #3

Austin Chapter Volleyball (ACV) Newsletter 2017

Issue 3


Happy Mother’s Day

To all of the ladies of Austin Chapter Volleyball, have a wonderful Mother’s Day!

Request from ACV Website Manager

The ACV Website Manager, Ian Evins, is requesting feedback about the ACV website. He simply wants to know what worked and what did not work for members during the season. If you encounter any issues trying to access forms/documents, please email to let him know.


The 2017 ACV Calendar is now available on the Austin Volleyball Officials website. Please plan accordingly to attend the mandatory meetings and training. Special Note: One location has been recently changed. The returning members training scheduled on July 15 will be held at Brentwood. The website should be updated soon.

Off-Season ACV Test for Returning Members Only (not to be confused with the TASO Test)

The ACV test is now available. Officials have until Wednesday, May 31 to complete the test. The test is located on the TASO website at After you log in, you will see the test under TASO Tests, directly under MY TASO MESSAGES. It is based on last season’s rule book and case book. You will have only three (3) chances to complete the test. The goal is to score 100. If you are unable to do so in three chances, then please provide to your at-large representative the correct answer to the questions missed and where in the rule book/case book you were able to find the answer. Please contact your at-large representative if you have any questions about the test.

Volunteers Needed by June 1 for TGCA All-State at Delco Center

We are still in need of line judge volunteers and ball shagger volunteers for the two all-star matches on Tuesday, July 11 and Wednesday, July 12. Each match is scheduled to start at 7:00 p.m. at the Delco Center, located at 4601 Pecan Brook Drive (corner of Springdale and 183). Please contact David Plaisance at to volunteer. All selected should be available to be on-site by 6:30 p.m. The deadline to volunteer is June 1 st so we can get your names listed in the event program. All, including new members, are eligible to participate.

Availability Deadline Set for June 15

Please remember to enter your availability on Arbiter as well as submit the availability form to the Assigning Secretary. The deadline to do both is Thursday, June 15. The availability form can be found on Arbiter under the Forms section. All officials need to go into Arbiter and input their information. Please be sure to select the ready button on the left-hand side on the profile page. Please contact Janiece Nelson at if you have any questions.

Raising Referee Rank through Evaluations

Evaluations are being conducted at various summer leagues. This is a great opportunity to raise referee rank before the season begins. Please contact the ACV Trainers, Harvey Madrigal, and Christle Miersma, to schedule an evaluation.

New Member Orientation Scheduled for May 20

One more orientation session is scheduled for Saturday, May 20 at the Hampton Inn in Buda. The orientation starts at 10:00 a.m. If you know of anyone who is interested in joining ACV, please pass along this information and convey the importance of attending this orientation.

Information on TASO Registration for State Meeting and District Clinics

Online registration for the State Meeting to be held on July 7 & 8 in The Woodlands, Texas is now available. The fee is $35. Please see the recent TASO email for more information. Most of the meeting that pertains to all members will actually only be on Saturday, July 8. We expect TASO to open online registration for the five District clinics very soon. Online registration for those will also be $35. The walk up fee is $45 if you miss the online registration deadline, which is typically two days before the clinic. Information about how to register for, and take the online clinic, will be made available later this summer.

Next ACV Board Meeting on May 17

The next ACV board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 17 at 6:30 p.m. at the ASC North in Cedar Park. All board meetings are open to members. Please contact your at-large representative if you are interested in attending.