Newsletter 21 11/7/16

Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016
Issue 21


Final Meeting of the Season

The final meeting of the season will be Wednesday, November 9th at the Austin Police Union Hall. Food will be served beginning at 6:00PM. The meeting will begin at 6:30PM. Remember that there are important issues to be discussed and the elections to be conducted.


Board Position Nominations Updated

Here are the current nominations for the open positions:

Vice-President – Christle Miersma   Veronica “Roni” Downey

Assigning Secretary – Harvey Madrigal   Ronnie Kaase    Craig Smith    Janiece Nelson   Charlie Tamez

Recording Secretary – Linda Polley    David Plaisance

At-Large Rep – Chez Slaton    Gary Oncale

A sample ballot has been posted to the website.


Proposed Changes to the By-laws

There are numerous changes to the By-laws being proposed. Please review them on the chapter website prior to the meeting and be prepared to ask any questions you may have.


Regional and State Tournament Selections

Once again this year, members of the chapter were selected for the State and Regional Tournaments.

The Austin Chapter was assigned a 5A Regional and a 6A Regional. These officials were selected by the UIL to officiate: Katherine Bratton, Teresa Fierro, Philip Franco, Brandon Kelso, Gilbert Mokry, Craig Smith, Charlie Tamez, Bobby White.

For the State Tournament, David Plaisance will be going as referee, with Beverly Michelson as line judge.

Congratulations to all!


Coaches Playoff Requests

Every year, the assigning secretary requests a list of officials that the coaches prefer to have assigned for their playoff matches. Due to several requests for these lists from members concerned about their assignments, the lists have been posted in the Forms section under the Lists tab on Arbiter.

Here is an overview of how playoffs have been assigned by Marilyn. I visited her house last Thursday evening to see the process in person. It is amazing the time and effort she puts in to ensuring the athletes we serve have the best available officials. Having said that, it is an inexact science at best. Sometimes, qualified officials get left at home on playoff nights – based on availability, being put in reserve for anticipated matches, etc.

·        Officials availabilities are recorded in Marilyn’s playoff notebook

·        Officials requested for playoffs lists are recorded in Marilyn’s playoff notebook in order of preference and categorized by school.

·        As Marilyn receives matches and the accompanying request for officials – a full crew of 4 or a R1/R2 and LJ combo – they are entered in “The Notebook”.

·        As the matches are entered in “The Notebook”, official’s names begin to be penciled in. This allows for adjustments as needed. These penciled in assignments are initially based upon the coaches’ requests, availability of officials, other potential matches.

·        At different points in the process, some assignments are published to ensure acceptance of matches.

·        Some qualified officials (that may not be high on requested official’s lists) are sometimes held in reserve to be available for other matches that are anticipated to be received. Sometimes, these officials receive assignments, while other times the anticipated matches do not come through and these officials may be assigned to call lines or may end up without an assignment.

·        UIL periodically sends requests for officials. These are for matches outside of our area where the coaches can’t agree on officials and request UIL to send them a crew. As ACV is centrally located we receive quite a few of these assignments. 5 of these assignments were received for Tuesday, November 1st.

·        Matches are published for acceptance.



Note: All the season’s matches, including playoffs, and assigned officials are viewable by all officials in Arbiter. Consult the master schedule when viewing your schedule and then select view all slots.