Newsletter 23 11/23/16

Austin Chapter Volleyball Newsletter 2016
Issue 23



2017 dues need to be paid before December 1st to be able to take advantage of scrimmage credits and to avoid a $25 late fee. If you have not yet paid, send a completed 2017 ACV Application (Available on the Forms tab on the Chapter website) and your check made payable to Austin Chapter Volleyball to Bonnie Caddell at 1321 Ewald Rd, New Braunfels, TX 78130. Also, for those of you who submitted a check at the meeting on Wednesday, but did not submit an application, you need to send Bonnie one before December 1st.


Board Meeting

The next Board Meeting will be held on November 28th. If you are interested in attending, please contact your At-Large Rep.


Been Paid?

Have you been paid for all your regular season matches? Playoffs? Now is the time to start reviewing your records. If it is at or near 30 day since your match and you haven’t been paid:

·        Contact your partner to see if they received payment.

·        Consult the Business Contacts document on the Member Information page on the chapter website and contact the appropriate person to see if they have received your pay sheet. (Contact Kevin or Marilyn if the contact information you need is not available)

·        If you reach 45 days, post-match, have contacted the business office at around 30 days to verify receipt of your pay sheet and have not received payment, you may complete a UIL incident report on the TASO website, if necessary.


Make yourself a note to check this again around the 2nd week in December so that you can contact any school necessary before they leave for the winter break.


2016 Schedule

If you want to save or a print a copy of your 2016 schedule, now is a good time. Sometime after the first of the year, the 2016 schedule will be deleted to begin entering the 2017 schedule information.

To print or save your schedule, log in to Arbiter. Click on Schedule. Under Reports, click on Schedule. Set the dates and then click on Print Preview. You can then save or print the .pdf of your schedule.