RefTown How To Videos

If you need assistance setting up your account, refer to the WebEx video at:


Intro to RefTown - Set up Profile-20230201 0200-1
Password: VmHRHgH6


Please also make sure you have a photo uploaded in RefTown - just a headshot please. Here is the video that will walk you through the process:


Upload a Photo-20230328 1851-1

Password: Wm3mgExp


And if you need some help figuring out how to enter your availability, please take a look at this video:


Availability on RefTown-20230330 2359-1

Password: Yp5A4mUa


If you need help learning how to accept your match or self-assign, here is the video to take a look at:

Accepting Matches and Self Assigning - REFTOWN-20230617 0011-1

Password: bYJWgzf3